A pioneer of green and sustainable finance, Philippe Zaouati leads Mirova, an asset management company specializing in sustainable investment, which he founded within Natixis in 2014. After a career in various financial institutions, he is fully dedicated to the development of responsible investment. In particular, he chaired the Responsible Investment Commissions of the French Association for Financial Management (AFG) and the European Association for Funds and Asset Management (EFAMA) and participated in the emergence of the theme of sustainable finance in several international organizations, including the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN). Eager to make Paris one of the leaders of greener and fairer finance, Philippe Zaouati co-founded in 2016 the Finance for Tomorrow initiative (newly called the Institute of Sustainable Finance), which he chaired until 2019.
In addition to his professional duties, Philippe Zaouati contributes to the political debate in France and is committed to a profound transformation of economic and financial systems. It promotes an impact economy that strives to preserve nature. Involved in the public debate, Philippe Zaouati contributed to the drafting of Emmanuel Macron’s presidential program on the environment, before being the referent of La République en marche in Paris from 2017 to 2018.
Author of several books including “Green Finance Begins in Paris” in 2018 and “Finance Faced with Planetary Boundaries” (dialogue with the philosopher Dominique Bourg, 2023), he contributed to market and regulatory developments in France and Europe.
Philippe Zaouati is also the author of several novels, including “The Refusals of Grigori Perelman”, whose English translation was published by the American Mathematical Society, “State of the Union” (2022) and “Naufrages” (2024).
Philippe Zaouati graduated from the National School of Statistics and Economic Administration (ENSAE), he teaches and lectures on sustainable finance in different French and foreign schools and universities.
He also works with young entrepreneurs and press and publishing companies (So Good, Chut Magazine, The Publisher Apart) as a business angel.